June 28, 2023

E32 Natalia: Using Grief To Grow- Infant Asphyxiation and Loss, Grief, Strength and Resilience

E32 Natalia: Using Grief To Grow- Infant Asphyxiation and Loss, Grief, Strength and Resilience

One year ago today, Natalia's son Xavian was born. Just 12 hours later, he passed away. 

Natalia is originally from Russia, and currently lives in Brazil. She and her husband love to travel.  While in Egypt, she found out she was pregnant. They looked for a place to settle down and have their baby, and at six months pregnant decided on Brazil. She found a Russian midwife there and was excited to start a new chapter of her life in a new place. 

Natalia said she had a beautiful labor and birth at home; however, her son was not breathing when he was born. After transferring to the hospital, she and her husband learned that their son had passed. 

After a few weeks, Natalia realized that she wasn't dealing with the death of her son, and that she needed to focus on herself and her grief and healing. She decided to put herself and her comfort first, and began learning what that meant. 

In this episode, Natalia shares the story of how she began to cope with the loss of her son, what healing looks like for her, and how personal growth can come out of the  grief that we experience. 


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